
1898, SG 10/17, definitives, wmk “Star & Crescent” set of 8, VFM
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1898, SG 14, 1p blue & brown, wmk Star & Crescent, VFM
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1902-21, SG 18, 1m wmk Star & Crescent, control block, UM
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1902-21, SG 25, 2p black & blue, wmk Star & Crescent, VFM
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1921-3, SG 31, 2m yellow-orange & chocolate, block of 4, VFM
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1927-41, SG 45ca, 8p emerald & black, ordinary paper, with control, UM
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1948, SG 110a, 20p pale blue & deep blue, perf.13, UM
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1948, SG 98a, 3m mauve & green, “nun” flaw, control block, UM
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1950, SG 115/22, Airmail set of 8, UM
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1951-61, SG 123/39, Definitives set of 17, fine UM
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