
1941-6, SG 91a, 3d CIGARETTE FLAW, VFM
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1942-4, SG 100, 2d violet, corner block with sheet number, M/UM
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1942-4, SG 100, 2d violet, corner block with STAR variety, UM
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1942-4, SG 100, 2d violet, sheet number block with variety, VFM
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1942-4, SG 100a, 2d violet, APOSTROPHE flaw in corner block, VFM
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1942-4, SG 101 3d blue, part arrow blocks of 6, UM
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1942-4, SG 101, 3d blue, sheet number block of 9, M/UM
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1942-4, SG 103, 4d slate-green, corner block of 6, UM
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1942-4, SG 104, 1s brown, arrow block of 8, VFM
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1942-4, SG 97 ½d blue-green, block of 48 with red sheet number, VFM/UM
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1942-4, SG 97, ½d blue-green, arrow block of 12, VFM
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1942-4, SG 97, ½d blue-green, corner block, UM
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1942-4, SG 97, ½d blue-green, issue 1 proving blob, UM
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1942-4, SG 97, ½d blue-green, lower right corner block of 27, VFM
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1942-4, SG 97b, ½d greenish blue, Arrow block of 12, stamps UM
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1942-4, SG 97b, ½d greenish blue, Arrow block of 12, stamps UM
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1942-4, SG 97b, ½d greenish blue, Arrow block, UM
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1942-4, SG 98, 1d carmine-red, arrow block of 12, UM
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1942-4, SG 98a, 1d bright carmine, corner block of 12, M/UM
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1942-4, SG 99 1½d roul.6½, Missing Shading on Arm variety, block of 8, UM
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